Well we are on the ice. It is about - 30 and windchill so tough to type. I think this will be par for the course for the next 10 days...highlights
Plane ride in was amazing - about 2.5 hours smooth ride - Had a chat with the pilots - great - let me sit up in the cockpit for a while - great view. Landed and had about 1.5 hours at Barneo - great soup, coffee and cookies - the best was the porta potty with sign reading next toilet 1500 km!!
Then we boarded the helicopter and took off to our starting point. landed at 89 on the nose - and all of a suddden we were completely alone - the helicopter took off and it was unbelievable - felt like I was on the moon.....landscape was amazing.
Now we are at 89 degrees 4.1 minutes - so we skied for 3 hours and covered only 4 miles - over typical terain. Gives you an idea what we have to do to cover 60 miles to pole, let alone drift and obstacles, open water.....wind howling as we set camp - almost lost one of the tents - now though we are inside - Keith has stove on - we have cocoa and dinner is getting fired up. Dale is so strong it is amazing.
Thanks Stacey for the great Easter Candies!!!! That's all for now - I will update temperature, longitude and latitude daily as well as some info on camp life!!